- 1The Rolling Stones
- 2Nausicaä (Love Will Be Revealed)
- 3Love Takes Miles
- 4Drinking Age
- 5Cancer of the Skull
- 6Try as I May
- 7We’re Thinking the Same Thing
- 8Nina + Field of Cops
- 9$0
- 10Can’t Keep Anything
Geese frontman Cameron Winter released his debut solo album ‘Heavy Metal’ with Partisan Records on December 6th.
On ‘Heavy Metal,’ Winter unravels his eclectic influences into a surreal mosaic of modern songwriting. Rumored to have been composed in abandoned basements, taxi back seats, and in impromptu jam sessions in public spaces, ‘Heavy Metal’ draws on both the chaos of the road and Winter’s greater sense of existential dread. ‘Heavy Metal’ teeters between the grounded and the hallucinatory, pulsing with immediacy, fragility, and the sly humor of a storyteller who’s never afraid to blur the lines between fact and fiction. It’s an unpredictable journey through Winter’s self-reflection, revealing the frontman as a master of reinvention.
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The Rolling Stones
01 The Rolling Stones.mp3
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Nausicaä (Love Will Be Revealed)
02 Nausicaä (Love Will Be Revealed).mp3
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Love Takes Miles
03 Love Takes Miles.mp3
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Drinking Age
04 Drinking Age.mp3
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Cancer of the Skull
05 Cancer of the Skull.mp3
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Try as I May
06 Try as I May.mp3
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We’re Thinking the Same Thing
07 We’re Thinking the Same Thing.mp3
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Nina + Field of Cops
08 Nina + Field of Cops.mp3
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09 $0.mp3
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Can’t Keep Anything
10 Can’t Keep Anything.mp3
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