"Tierra y Saliva" is the sound of a world increasingly broken, broken, full of cliffs, stones and footprints, all uphill; are the vibrations of an expedition to the Patagonian soils and enters the thicket of windy whistles. From the beginning with its stomping, its slowed down footsteps, it dodges a pulse, a rhythm of climbing in the face of so much desolation. Steps like blows, like punches in the back and sighs, that are arriving and evaporating. It is the long plains that discomfort with that deep beauty, with those barely noticeable guards to infinity, which also push with their resisted aggressiveness: An exit to the hell of the natural, as if it were the only possible way to cross and reach the beyond. One could understand that post-geology is plagued by natural accidents, but, at this moment it is the digital accidents, the binary bombs that affect the soil of Southern Argentina.
By Pablo Picco
Produced and mixed by Juan Manuel Patricio
Mastered by Hada (Ro Stambuk)
Photo by Magui Gomez
Text by Pablo Picco
Composed from early 2020 to 2022
SC, Patagonia