Wusa, formerly known as band Zoo, has officially adopted its new name – a moniker inspired by the rich history and philosophical teachings of the Khawagaka tradition. Khawagaka itself is a doctrine inscribed on ancient manuscript leaves from the Samasthamarta civilization. The discovery of these Khawagaka manuscripts has unlocked a gateway to delve deeper into the history and traditions that gave rise to this profound teaching.
The Khawagaka doctrine, along with its spoken language and script, was first introduced in the band’s previous album. This latest release delves even further into the origins of Khawagaka teachings and the culture from which they emerged. It also explores the impact of knowledge industrialization and technological advancement on cultural values and traditions.
Wusa’s musical project is part of Rully Shabara’s long-term artistic endeavor centered around the Khawagaka manuscript, which encompasses language, script, belief systems, mythology, philosophy, history, and culture. This ambitious project operates under the auspices of the Khawagaka Historical and Cultural Archives Institute, an independent organization dedicated to tracking, excavating, preserving, and disseminating all findings related to Khawagaka history.
The Wusa music group functions as a division within the Rijmana Council, tasked with interpreting Khawagaka teachings and culture, and popularizing them among contemporary society through modern mediums such as music, film, and other formats. The names of the Zugrafi script and the Zufrasi spoken language were also coined by the Rijmana Council.