- 1Sun (Panorama)
- 2I (Melter)
- 3Save Young Cells (Son)
- 4A
- 5Nothing To Put In
- 6Gate
- 7R (Broken Fingers)
- 8U
- 9Pattern (Iteration)
Originally released on Boira Discos, Panorama (BD003) consists of rediscovered samples, liquid ambiences, distant messages, and pieces of essential references. "Listening to life, from underwater, looking at the sky" (Apartament18). Composed during the summer of 2014.
Music, mix & master by Carlos Martorell
Artwork by Ana Drucker
Originalment editat a Boira Discos, Panorama (BD003) són samples retrobats, ambients líquids, missatges a distància i pedaços de referències essencials. "Escoltant la vida, des de sota l'aigua, mirant al cel" (Apartament18). Composat durant l'estiu de 2014.
Música, mix i màster per Carlos Martorell
Artwork per Ana Drucker
- mp3
Sun (Panorama)
01 Sun (Panorama).mp3
- mp3
I (Melter)
02 I (Melter).mp3
- mp3
Save Young Cells (Son)
03 Save Young Cells (Son).mp3
- mp3
04 A.mp3
- mp3
Nothing To Put In
05 Nothing To Put In.mp3
- mp3
06 Gate.mp3
- mp3
R (Broken Fingers)
07 R (Broken Fingers).mp3
- mp3
08 U.mp3
- mp3
Pattern (Iteration)
09 Pattern (Iteration).mp3
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