Originally released on Marmint Agency.
This small EP was intended to be BGM (background music) or something like a video game soundtrack, because it gives me the same feeling as listening to the ambience of an early 2000s game. In those games, the soundtracks were often tied to specific scenes to enhance their atmosphere. Because of this, it seems like the music and the scenes were inseparable. However, on the contrary, they could still work independently.
That is my philosophy for this EP and music in general. We could say that each song is complete on its own, but we could also view the entire EP as a whole. Alternatively, the songs and the external ambience together could form the complete experience. And that’s it: we shouldn’t limit music to the duration of the songs themselves. That’s merely for storage purposes and nothing more. We should listen to music more freely than that.
For the best listening experience, please use a laptop or phone speaker.
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Open Edition
0 Collected
Catalog No. {?Ą~˙´} - 003