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A conversation with Evanora:Unlimited

Staff Picks

The pan-genre world-builder talks about his new record ‘Perfect Answer.’

By John Chiaverina


The term “world building” is probably overused, but it would be hard to describe the work of Orion Ohana without going there. His pan-genre musical output contains all the hallmarks of an internet cult artist. Under the alias Marjorie W.C Sinclair, he trades in a surreal take on the kind of rap that moves along the Bay Area and Detroit axis. His earlier project Housepett is named after his penchant as a baby to curl up in a doggie bed behind the DJ booth at raves attended by his parents. But it’s his Evanora:Unlimited moniker that seems to be taking up the artist’s focus at the moment. 

Evanora:Unlimited’s newest record was released a few weeks ago. It’s called Perfect Example, and it sounds like an ultra-online take on various electronic punk and industrial styles. It sounds like the blood that often happens to show up on Ohana’s face in music videos. It’s yet another piece in a sonic and visual puzzle that has been unfolding for years now. We shot a few email questions off to Ohana, and this is what we got back.

  • 1Sea Cliffs
  • 2No Country
  • 3Symptoms of Amnesia
  • 4Marine Photosynthesis
  • 5Propeller Blades (feat. Maria M & RockangelZ)
  • 6Sequoia Tide (feat. She Diamond)
  • 7Salt Water (feat. Taraneh)
  • 8Covered Eyes
  • 9Sea Cliffs [Instrumental]
  • 10No Country [Instrumental]
  • 11Symptoms of Amnesia [Instrumental]
  • 12Marine Photosynthesis [Instrumental]
  • 13Propeller Blades [Instrumental]
  • 14Sequoia Tide [Instrumental]
  • 15Salt Water [Instrumental]
  • 16Covered Eyes [Instrumental]



What did you do today?

Woke up, made some tea & did my daily language studies, then went with my partner to the park to meet our friend who's dog we’re pet sitting for the night. :)

Tell us about Perfect Answer.

Perfect Answer is an Album I've been working on (or more so not working on), for over the past 4+ years. It might be the oldest project in my stockpile of unreleased albums. It really doesn’t feel at all to me like I'm “dropping a new release”, more so that I'm just digging up a time capsule I buried and forgot about lifetimes ago. The record is somewhat of an expansion on my previous record, Lustful ExpanseLustful Expanse which I felt was very much a concept album in that It showed a glimpse of something that could be but was to be fleshed out further and expanded on. I feel that this album was meant to be that expansion, however it still falls for me a bit in the category of simply being a showcase of what could be; but also the whole concept of Evanora is that Evanora:Unlimited being this unknown power or thing that Marjorie -W.C Sinclair / Myself has found and is on an endless self-destructive voyage to understand, similar to Tetsuo trying to figure out what Akira is. So I don't know if it will ever be truly fully realized in that sense and will always be this confusing jumble of sounds. Maybe one day I'll understand it and it will all make sense, or maybe it’ll kill me before I get the chance. lol but anyways yea in terms of sound It's definitely all over the place and hard to really describe but over all its similar to Lustful Expanse being that It was very much made for live performance. I think it also expands on the previous record which was purely super intense high energy and heavy industrial punk sounds. I feel with this album plays a little bit with being more melodic with the tracks “Salt Water,” “Sequoia Tide,” & “Covered Eyes” still retaining the high energy Evanora punk sound but combining that with the more melodic and listenable nature of “Age of Information” or “Dibiyu.”


2019 @ 1010 Pine St. Oakland CA. DJing for the first time at the first rave I ever organized at the venue of my friend Yvng Rob's father's #yvngrobworld

What was your process like making this album?

I think my only process approaching projects is to completely giving into "flow state" / the natural flow of things happening when they are meant to happen; which is also why this album has taken so long to come out, having made almost 10 other albums released and unreleased in the same period of time. 

What was the best thing that happened to you while making the album?

This is extremely hard to say. Like i said this album is an amalgamation of songs I've made literally spanning of 5+ years, I feel like I’ve lived and ended multiple entire lifetimes over that period It would be truly impossible to say anything more then that “its been the beginning of the beginning of everything” but thats a bit boring I think it would be much more interesting for me to list a bit of the projects timeline and significant things that come to mind <3

-I started the album technically in 2018 like I said, with “Propeller Blades” actually being the first Evanora:Unlimited tracks I ever produced still in highschool living with my mom and her boyfriend. This song was initially meant for my first album but was cut and left to sit till 2022 when I went to Poland for the first time which will forever be one of my fondest memories. 

-In 2019 I found the confidence to breakaway from only producing for others and start recording poems I had written over my own production, beginning my first real project Evanora:Unlimited which I would release in 2020 & soon after also starting my side project Marjorie W.C Sinclair. Both projects over the course of these past 4 years have changed my life unrecognizably. I could probably say this was the best thing because of it I've met so many of the people I consider my family that I couldnt imagine life without and have made so many memories I never could have imagined myself experiencing. I always thought I would be alone, working some dead end job, killing myself, or in jail so honestly anything beyond those expectations I had so engrained in my head when I was young has been blessing beyond belief. 

-In 2022 after getting evicted / fired from my job as an onsite property manager I accomplished what I still see as my biggest accomplishment to date embarking on my more then year long “endless world tour” seeing over 25 different countries, going to Japan for the first time, all while homeless organized purely with the help of my loved ones and supporters.

-Returning to Oakland & feeling that I dident have much left there and there was more for me on the road I said fuck it, sold everything I owned except for the suitcase I packed and moved to Europe to start a new life with my partner where I've been ever since.


2021 New York - Living my best life - Shot by Taraneh feat. Tammy da Legend

Worst thing that happened while working on the album?

While it was hard to say what was best that happened in this period of time, I can easily say that the worst thing thats happened was the loss of my best friend Will (Hzalen) Greyland last year. This was genuinely my brother, the only friend who's been there consistently as solid in my life as they were, someone who I did everything with, the only person I felt I could tell anything in the world to, I owe so so much to this person. Last year I released a project dedicated to them, one of many to come, Greyhaven Pinkmoon, referring to his death at an author's residency in Oakland known as Greyhaven where his father Mark Greyland also died, on the night of a pink full moon. Two of the songs on the Perfect Answer album that are actually adaptations of poems written by their mother “Sequoia Tide” & “Symptoms of Amnesia”. 

Before leaving Oakland to move to Europe I cried with Will telling them how worried I was about them, that the last thing I want to happen is to move to Europe and hear that they died while I was outta town, that I wanted him to see everything I was building for us and that I wanted to make a way for all of us to be straight and get to a posistion to be able to put them in position to never have to worry. He texted me the week he died that he couldn't stand his life and wanted nothing more then to take a sharp left turn and disappear and be out in Europe with me & I feel that's what happened, I dont feel like their gone and they escaped the hell they felt they were in and that their here with me now finally free. While it was the worst thing that happened, everything happens for a reason and I can only be so sad about it <3

What have you been listening to?: 

My mom recently reminded me of an old family friend Goa Gil (Rest in Peace) who was DJing at the first rave my parents took me to when I was 3 months old. Since being reminded of them it's been almost all I've been listening to, it feels so strangely ingrained into my brain essentially being some of the first music I ever listened to.


2022 - Flexing my very first Euro Bankroll after my first performance in Berlin on my "Endless World Tour" next to my high school friend Lilly Sabbath who did the introduction monologue on the song "Sea Cliffs" from Perfect Answer

What’s next? 

“SHE:VANORA” Europe Tour with my “big sister” She Diamond! March - April! You can find the tour dates on my website www.evanoraunlimited.com, some of the dates dont have ticket links or have some missing information.

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