Until I heard “He Fell Down,” I was not aware that it is possible to make a piece of music that is also a comic strip. As in, something that’s somehow both a cartoon and a song. My love for this weirdo track is only enhanced by the fact that the name “Adum Brate” is also the word adumbrate with a space in the middle — a word that means to outline, to sketch or to give a faint indication of, or to foreshadow vaguely, or to cast a shadow over, also feigned, unreal, fictitious, a word that shares a root with other lovely words such as penumbra and umbrella. This song is a little bit of all of that, shading a motion with bold, round, exaggerated shapes, wackily portraying a sense of doom with plucked strings and staccato piano, punctuated by springing sounds like that of a Looney Tunes character, well, falling down. He. Fell. Down. He / fell / down. Boink. He fell down!
Adum Brate - He Fell Down
Staff PicksAdum Brate has done the unthinkable and made a piece of music that’s also a cartoon strip.
By leah
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