Cold Steel’s new track “Geeked” for 2nd Mouth is an exercise in controlled chaos. Not the type of chaos that can make music feel “challenging,” but the type of chaos that melts your face into a confused grin. “Geeked” takes elements of footwork, trance, and ethereal sad boy rap and mixes them in a breakcore blender. The song takes left and right turns into different sonic landscapes at various speeds—halftime, double-time, and standing still. The journey rewards you with a visit to bangerville in the final minute.

The artist told Nina: “‘Geeked’ is an attempt to take the tendency of zoomer listening/production to its extreme—it’s final resting place, where pure reference becomes meaningless and new content becomes imminent. Towards a new electronic music that rediscovers emotion by laying bare the tricks and tools of fake emotion making. Like a lover who can’t stay in love, the motifs are never developed but cycled through indefinitely.”