Vangelis’ score for Blade Runner doesn’t own the dystopian synthwave genre (admittedly a small category), but it’s a great example of what that vibe can sound like on the highest level. Digital Moss—the side project of a Russian post-rock musician named Evgenii—is explicitly indebted to those gloomy LA streetscapes. In his bio, Evgenii says Digital Moss is “mere annihilation described in musical terms.” Here, on “III,” the music unfolds in shifting blocks of synth long tones. Think: neon-soaked take-out joints, acid rain, and hulking spaceships settling in for a landing. That the music is so emotive is a testament to the scope and detail of Evgenii’s dark vision.
Digital Moss - III
Staff PicksListen to a track from the side project of Russian post-rock musician Evgeniii that owes a lot to the dystopian synthwave soundscapes of ‘Blade Runner.’
By will
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