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Inuk. - More Than I Have

Community Picks Submissions Week of Sept 23

Get to know this week’s Community Picks winner.

By editorial


Community Picks is a weekly series where artists submit a release to be voted on by members of the Nina community. Once a week, the release with the most votes will receive editorial coverage. This week, the winner is More Than I Have by the Brussels, Belgium-based artist Inuk. The release is 15 tracks of skeletal, mysterious experimental guitar music with a texture that is all its own. We sent over some questions to the artist (real name: Matteo Schuer) so we could learn more.

Inuk. - More Than I Have
Inuk. - More Than I HaveaQRium

  • 1A. 01 I've been alright
  • 2A. 02 A memory that won't go bad
  • 3A. 03 Chatting in the dark
  • 4A. 04 Miss You
  • 5A. 05 This talk
  • 6A. 06 Never meant to be
  • 7A. 07 More time
  • 8A. 08 Instrumental
  • 9B. 01 Couldn't hide it.mp3
  • 10B. 02 More than Gorgeous.mp3
  • 11B. 03 Mmhmm.mp3
  • 12B. 04 Hindmirrors.mp3
  • 13B. 05 Never been more alive.mp3
  • 14B. 06 So over you.mp3
  • 15B. 08 Loved your house.mp3

Where are you from?

I'm from Brussels, Belgium, part of the Dutch-speaking minority with Italian blood flowing through me. That Italian part is calling me more and more and I definitely have the concept of a plan to tour there soon.

How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it?

My music is mostly acoustic and mostly recorded after work hours. It’s raw, first that comes to mind, and deeply honest, with lyrics that repeat like mantras—improvised and capturing the feelings as they come. The songs are built from small musical ideas that ebb and flow naturally, embracing imperfections and creating an intimate, spontaneous atmosphere.

Tell us about your release on Nina.

Between the end of summer and early autumn 2023, I recorded a large collection of songs and ideas that all connected through a series of personal events. After feeling like something had shifted in me, I revisited the recordings, compiled them, and turned them into an album. I pressed one vinyl as a gift to myself. This is that release in digital form.

What kind of tools do you use to make music?

I often record in relaxed moments, just using my phone to capture the sound of both my voice and guitar in a single track. This gives me limited control in post-production, but I like to embrace those constraints. I use audio editing apps to tweak the sound, and tools like VideoGuru to experiment—speeding it up, reversing it, or playing with pitch.

Who are three artists you are listening to right now?

Right now, I’m rediscovering Adum Brate—his Brussels release on the i.u compilation has been a personal favorite, though I hadn’t revisited it in a while. I’m also loving Luca Fitzgerald and Letter Z. To keep things current, here’s a continuously updated QR code to my latest musical discoveries. Thanks for having me!

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