Organic Dial is the duo of Cleveland, Ohio synthesists John Elliott—an old friend of Nina perhaps best known for his work in the recently reunited 00s noise scene breakouts Emeralds—and Andrew Veres, longtime collaborators who previously performed as Outer Space. Their new EP, 𐄢 𐄢, which consists of material recorded 2018-19, continues the trajectory laid out by their earlier collaborative work. The first track, “Cold Frame,” is a standout for me: kosmische drone (yes folks, it used to be called “drone music” back in their day!) and Berlin school sequencing through the (literal) filter of Basic Channel/Rhythm & Sound, grounding the track with a layer of filtered noise undulating in and out of the foreground through the use of slow and heavy bus compression plus some tasteful Space Echo to fill out the Deutscher dub sound world. Underneath everything, an abstract yet driving kick sequence picks the track up out of the mire while being subtle enough not to be overbearing.