There are lots of songs about dogs, obviously—this one is cute—but it’s rarer, and probably braver, to actually make music out of the sound of a dog barking. Pink Floyd did it, as did Fiona Apple, mostly just because her (and Cara Delevigne’s) dogs happened to be bopping around as she was putting together ‘Fetch the Bolt Cutters.’ Now here’s “Bow Bow Bow,” a gloriously goofy hybrid of Jersey Club exhilaration and glittery, ‘Blade Runner’-ass electronics from LA-based DIY club music legend So Drove. That the meat of this track is a powerful woof, chopped and looped and broken down alongside the persistent beep of a truck backing up, is a testament to this beatmaker’s chops. “Bow Bow Bow” will charm you and coax you out of your chair—like a good dog, indeed.
So Drove - Bow Bow Bow
Staff PicksDIY club music legend So Drove joins Pink Floyd and Fiona Apple with a new entry in music’s long and rich history of making songs about dogs.
By will
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