The Nina mobile app is now available on iOS.Download from the App Store.

Nina for labels

Join a global community of artists, labels, and listeners creating a more dignified future for independent music online.

Nina for artists

created for your catalog

Unlimited free lossless uploads

Upload as much as you want without paying a subscription fee.

Multi-artist management

Use hubs to manage the discography of the artists on your roster, all from a single account.

Permanent storage

Create a future-proof archive of your entire catalog without paying a monthly ransom to keep it online.

Revenue sharing

Automatically split proceeds between you and your artists at any percentage you want.

Bonus material

Create engaging multimedia releases for free with bonus material. Get the attention of your audience by including lossless files, liner notes, demos, stems, and any other exclusive media.

Find your scene

Our discovery tools connect you with over ten thousand crate diggers, artists, journalists and other scene staples that make up the Nina ecosystem. Your next artist or fan is on Nina.

Release codes

It’s hard to get people to stop scrolling and listen. Release codes help you promote your music and get your audience’s attention.

Simple sales accounting

On request, Nina offers simple data exports that help make accounting and earnings reconciliation simple for your team.

We’re here to help

Get white-glove customer service from our Label Partnerships team to make every aspect of uploading on Nina smooth and simple.

Start releasing on Nina

Join now to upload for free and find your audience.

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