Unedited Voice Memos and Other Phone Recordings Downloaded From Soulseek
- 120151005 202223
- 2New Recording copy
- 3New Recording 8
- 420140529 100001
- 5Flushing Avenue Station 2
- 620190809 13557
- 71412
- 8Voz 003
- 920111217 210912
- 102013130919 102324
- 11chugg+slams
- 12Nya ... Nyanya!
- 1320120722 200653
- 14New Recording 12
- 15New Recording 7
- 16New Recording 17
- 17Voice 001
- 18Piano Rag
- 1920121009 113943
- 20New Years 2017
- 21Nordahl Road
- 22New Recording
- 23163
- 24New Recording 3
- 25The Emmet Ray 2
- 2600-Kaynes_s iPhone-Voice Memos_-_28-01-2012
- 27Eisely's Heartbeat
- 28New Recording 266
- 29Birds N Shit
- 30Lolilol
- 3120131102 113338
- 32Peanut Idea
- 3320110717 210912
- 3420180801 163513
- 35Morte Asceta
- 3620191109 163907
- 3720110116 033013
- 3820180719 163602
- 39Piano-Song
- 4020200307 131322
- 4120120609 18042
- 4211_8_14_-10_17-PM
- 43New Recording 24
- 4420110716 163637 2
- 4520200112 154742
- 4620200601-162208
- 4720180615 135133
- 48Memo_1_
- 494_6_11, 9_59 AM-Ravens
- 5020200212 230013
- 51New Recording 4
- 5219791231 230000
- 53Voice 018
- 5420130207 15512
- 55New Recording 14
- 56Domicile 4
- 57Cordova High School 14
- 58News Boliche
- 59Cordova High School 17
- 60Nouvel enregistrement
- 61New Recording 4
- 62Work
- 6320121120 170612
- 64New Recording 3
- 65New Recording 21
- 66New Recording 13
- 67Voice 001
- 6820120704 143213
- 70Untitled
Open edition
unedited voice memos and other phone recordings downloaded from soulseek. compiled by Caleb Chase