I'm A Fucking Celebrity

I'm A Fucking Celebrity

Worst Artist in NYC
Worst Artist


  1. 1Sun Is A False Concept
  2. 2Untitled Ballad
  3. 3Let Me B Ur Wife
  4. 4Journey Thru The Geist [Medley]
  5. 5Do U Feel Abandoned
  6. 6Carmeline
  7. 7The Honest Truth
  8. 8Youth Culture = Fascism
  9. 9Make A List! (feat. Nice Elevator)


Open edition

The Great American Album

Music & Lyrics - Teddy Rosen
(Track 9 "Make A List!" written in collaboration with Charlie Schine)
Mixing - Clay Hillenburg
Mastering - Jack Callahan
Photography - Nell...

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