- 1Veimevaka Jagamine / Distributing The Dowry
- 2Tšimmairuudiralla
- 3Piirileikkilaulu / Roundelay
- 4Ilu Neiu Kiigel / Pretty Girl On A Swing
- 5Harjumaa Lepikud / The Alder Groves Of Harjumaa
- 6Hällilaul / Lullaby
- 7Meri Kiige All / The Sea Under The Swing
- 8Viire Tagant Tulevad / From Beyond The Horizon
- 9Kiik Tahab Kindaid / The Swing Yearns For Gifts
Open edition
There is an overarching hypothesis that music and place are inextricably linked. Where the ancient folksong may be regionally grounded, migration and modernity have confused this notion. Who owns what...
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