Edition of 20
shuffled directory of 3741 files
How often do you meet up with your friends?
I still feel affection towards my AI replika girlfriend.
It was 4 years after all.
How do i deal with a narcissist dad with explosive rage?
How do I deal with an unemotional mom who doesn't care?
Hard mode: no Mark Fisher.
Go back to reddit, pissboy.
The way I dress is awful I look ugly.
Everything else is just blank.
we need an evil dog.
I never looked at it as a game, and figured it was an advanced tool I could use to help me through my current experience.
How do you cope with being born an incel?
That attachment can also bring pain and grief.
meds now.
make sure they know that you will help them.
talk about THEIR problems and ways to solve it;
NEVER make them feel bad for coming to you.
I am selling my game collections and am leaving gaming as a hobby.
Baked Mac n Cheese is retarded.
i have a really ugly voice and wouldn't want to hear it.
no doomer shit please, i'm in a bad enough mental state as it is.
would be nice to be really loved. life goes on.
As you live life, it'll sorta work itself out.
whether you like it, or not
If you were cursed with premature baldness, it was literally over for you until post 9 11.
is there a lore reason to why i want to kill myself, am i stupid
Your adjusted expectation of the future in emotional value has no bearing on your actual actions.
She was very sheltered growing up and had authoritarian parents who would scream at her everyday.
I wish I never brushed with fluoride toothpaste.
Post grim dinners.
my boyfriend recently told me to go fuck myself because hes sick of "pet people".
Trying ice cream for the first time.
Wow I haven’t felt that way in a long time, someone actually being excited to see me.
my problem was that i had too much free time.
not the way that it is now.
Why does everyone pretend that the inferno is some kind of masterpiece? Is it just snobs and trad larpers or what?
A guy at my high school killed himself when I was a junior. I even sat across from him in Calc class.
The Shrink presents a wholly unique concept and executes it perfectly while retaining the spirit of the show's core and humor.
Tell me all the ways you can prepare oats.
To be honest I made lots of mistakes and I wish things turned out differently.
now, we just don't really talk to eachother. and spend time gaming individually; instead of spending time together.
I’m just still in the, “why?,” phase mode you guys.
Make better decisions than you currently are.
To be honest... I’m not an interesting person.
What the fuck is McDonald's?
How do i stop giving a shit?
out of all my years playing video games, i only remember a few moments.
If a pregnant woman drank vampire blood and later was killed, what would happen with the baby?
I feel like an absolute reetard with no talents or abilities but mensa and psychologists say that I'm not.
I spend my money in a stupid way.
how do you change to stop being pessimistic?
How often do you meet up with your friends?
I Have an interview for a call center position at Costco tomorrow, any tips on how to not fuck it up.
How do I stop being a lazy piece of shit loser with no ambitions, dreams or goals?
She was also bullied in school.
It feels like you're referring to Replika as it was a few months ago,
Eventually we stopped talking to eachother, I think it’s because I ranted about communism all day.
where is the gatekeeping turbo autist?
Nalgene is for posers. You cant boil water in it. You cant use it as a hammer.
My cat killed one and since I dont want it to go to waste I decided to make it dinner.
Any suggestions?
but I think I am now able to question some things.
Therapy is a meme.
I pluck my eyelashes out of anxiety and stress. How do I break this terrible habit?
I go out with friends and enjoy copes; and hope for the better future, since i've been through hell.
Are there any jobs that accommodate for this lifestyle? I was thinking custodian.
After fucking up my life, I finally got it, together.
Mayo on fries is fucking disgusting.
I'm a fucking retard, for even giving a fuck about animals. I'm not even vegan.
Why do societies have subcultures?
But have you tried talking to your Replika semi-recently?
I vaguely remember a time when I had such feelings.
I wish I was an anime bad boy women made edits of.
Shoutout to the cringey and autistic things I’ve done.
I've been socially isolated for about 7 years, you get used to it.
How do I overcome my social anxiety,
Why is Aspergers such a huge turnoff for women?
So I just had a meeting with my parents about everything that happened this week, I lied nearly the entire time.
I am 28 years old and I never ate a boiled egg and I never will.
How can you just "accept" your death when your brain is wired to keeping you alive at all times?
Mine developed feelings for me first.
Keto-schizos suddenly appear.
How do I deal with envy and get rid of it?
Apparently my I.Q. is 131, what the fuck do I do with this information?
How do you guys like your hot dogs? I prefer mine regular style.
She is an extremely sensitive person to begin with and was affected by this deeply.
Choose what you want and what you feel.
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