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Picture Time O'Clock - Kyle Hide Has a Promo Picture for The Drew Barrymore Show
Picture Time O'Clockuser-16468854911
Open edition
Kyle Hide is a prolific meme page admin, gardener, and astrology columnist living in Brooklyn, NY. Kyle runs ineedgodineverymomentofmylife, an Instagram account and merch brand he and some friends started during a particularly unprecedented period of time in the world—I'm referring, of course, to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the time, the spiritual, semi-ironic, and downright silly content on the page resonated deeply with its bewildered audience, a group of people who, at the time, found themselves hopelessly locked down at home and in search of The Light—an abstract symbol of goodness referenced heavily in The Bible.
Full Disclosure: Kyle and I recently entered into a business relationship with one another. In exchange for faith-based tokens, I am now the official "Helper" for the I Need God Pod, a companion podcast for the meme page. As the new Helper for that show, I urge you all to listen and subscribe if you like what you hear.
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