Could you tell us a bit about this track?

Sissy Misfit: “Bite xXx” was one of those tracks where I thought about the sound and idea in my mind and then executed it in under an hour. For the longest time, I was fed by my darker and more melancholic side while making music, but making this track was all about having fun and exploding with confidence. Making it definitely shifted the way I look at my own work and the way I write, so it’s a pretty important track for me.

What is the scene like in Turkey?

Even though I’ve been living in London for the past two years now, I've spent most of my years making music and performing in Istanbul. The rhythm and the soul that floods through the night streets of Istanbul is something you can never ever feel and experience anywhere else in the world. This, of course, affected the way me and my peers created and shared with each other. Some of the most brilliant ideas and sounds I have ever heard in my life came from the Istanbul scene. We are all in a period where we feel some type of grief for the days back then, since everything has changed so much with the given economical crisis and political climate. But there is still a sense of resilient spark and never-ending creativity within the scene. It’s spectacular to witness and experience.

How does the scene affect your process?

I owe everything I am today to the people in the scene, my friends, the beautiful trans artists that I have rubbed shoulders with back in the Istanbul scene. I have them in my mind andf in everything that I do. I sometimes feel a sadness about not being able to share our work and joy with each other as much now that I am away. But I think of them almost every time I create, and I sometimes go, OMG, the girls will live for this and add some elements to my production. Maybe some inside jokes, some sounds we collectively love, or references that fit. Then, when they listen to that track when they party together, I can be in that room giggling with them, in the form of my music. xxxx.

What are some of your influences?

Anything with a dark and weird taste to it.